How often do you scroll?
As it is a week of travel for us, I wanted to take you on a tour of my blog while I travel across the Southeast United States.
I am sure you are familiar with the bar to the immediate right. If you'll turn your attention there now, we'll take a quick scroll. SouthernCityMysteries' sidebar holds the usual: brief blogger bio, link to my
website, links I adore (both mysterious and non) and the most important part of any blog - the followers. Seriously, what good is an author without readers? A blogger without followers? I appreciate every one of you - admitted followers, one-time commenters or uncommitted lingerers.
But there are some parts that make my blog uniquely mine. And here they are, so you may peruse at your own interested pace and skip that which doesn't strike your fancy. I will skip the self-explanatory ones, like "Quotes that Speak" and blog awards.
Today in Literary History. You'll find this just above the latest post, taking prominence beneath the banner. I believe we are formed by those who came before us, be it Edgar Allan Poe, Jane Austen or James Patterson. This connection with history is important, so I strive to etch a bit of the past into your daily blog-hopping.
One Click Promotes Literacy. It's really that simple. So why not click every time you come to my site and promote the one thing I know we all believe in: that everyone should have access to
stories? This is on the sidebar below blog awards.
Worldwide Mystery Lovers. (Just below Literacy button.) A recent addition to my site, thanks to one I saw on Elspeth's
It's A Mystery. I love signing on every day to see the map covered in more and more red dots. How amazing that a little thing like writing could bring us all together! It's worth a trip with your mouse to see the different countries represented.
Crimespace. A network for mystery writers and mystery lovers. A great place to promote your book or find new ones to read. I am a member, so click the tab to link to the site. If you choose to sign on, make sure to friend me!
Paperback Swap. This fantastic book exchange I found through Cathy of
Kittling Books. At first I wasn't sure if it was for me. I am a smell-the-glue, new books kind of girl. But once books started hitting my mailbox and people started making requests of my bookshelf, I was addicted! The world is your bookshelf...
Favorite Books List. Sounds self-explanatory but I thought I'd say a little more. These aren't just my favorite mysteries or even fiction. These are my favorite books overall - from childhood reads that stuck with me to a nonfiction human rights memoir that still makes my blood boil. As a writer, I feel it is important to have eclectic taste, to pull from different places. As a reader, I am lucky to feel the same way. Maybe I'll post about favorite reads sometime this week...Oh, and there is a second page of favorites if you click 'next.'
NC Writers' Network and
Sisters in Crime. Keep on scrolling and you might see a part of the site you've never before explored! These two links are groups of which I am a member. The first is exactly what it sounds like, and I am fairly new to it so I can't tell you much more. The second is specifically for mystery/crime writers and is nationwide.
Tools for Writers. Every time I find a site I think would be beneficial, I place the link here. I know this is not a much-travelled section of the blog, but it seemed the best place for the list. I hope you will take the time to peruse these links and see if there is something here that can help you. Several I have used myself - SeventhSanctum, Writer's Cafe, Writers' Market. Others I just glanced through briefly and hope to get back to someday.
Whew! It's been a long trip but I hope you learned something! I'm sure my travels have not ended, but I wish you all well and Happy Holidays! Except for Friday, I will be around and blogging all week.