Jan.13, 1898: Emile Zola's inflammatory editorial 'J'accuse' is printed. The subject was the military cover-up of Captain Alfred Dreyfus' mistaken conviction.
As for today, I have no great points of wisdom or story-parsing questions. However, if you look upward at 'Today in Litarary History,' you will see a quite interesting event. It is a perfect example of a journalist making a difference (eventually), and a writer pulling from real life events. For more on Emile Zola's connection with Captain Dreyfus click here. For further reading on the Affaire Dreyfus, click here. If you do click the latter, read the fourth paragraph. It will make your jaw drop and I would love to hear your response.
'La verite est en marche et rien ne l'arretera' (Truth is on the march and nothing can stop it) - a pronouncement made by French novelist Emile Zola (1840 - 1902) during the Dreyfus case, circa 1894.
I think I missed that post. will have to do some backtracking and catch up....
ReplyDeleteBTW- I tried to leave a comment on your other blog, but the catch phrase box was messed up. Sorry!
ReplyDeleteCarol- No, you responded - it was titled "My story is a sexless beast.' Emile Zola is from 'today in literary history,' right under the header above all posts...It changes daily!
ReplyDeleteDiane- Really? No wonder I haven't been getting any comments! I wonder how I fix that? What did it tell you?
It was shocking how Dreyfus was framed with false documents from that French counter-espionage agent. Sometimes reality is more interesting than fiction.