Ok, so maybe my muse hasn't returned, but I'm writing anyway!
I just wanted to say thanks to all who rallied around me yesterday and cheered me on through a day of frustrating writer's low.
Today I finally get around to thank those who have passed on some recent awards to the SouthernCityMysteries blog. I think this is a fun place to hang out and I take it a few of you do as well, so I am always grateful when someone sends a good 'ol blog award my way. Now I get to thank you, tell you a few things about myself and pass it on to those much more deserving than me.
Starting off with one I have ignored for far too long: Carol of Carol's Prints sent the Blogging Writer Award back my direction before Christmas. (Yes, flog away, I can take it.) Today I say thank you to Carol and pass it on to a witty and interesting writer I have enjoyed reading: A.J. Frey of Eyes 2 Page. Check out her site for more on her completed novel and others in the works.
Next to Mason Canyon of Thoughts in Progress, who so kindly thinks what I write here is Honest Scrap. I try to be honest and I thank you for appreciating it. But the burden that comes with this award is I must be even more honest! I must now tell you 10 things about me; and since I googled myself on the last go-around I suppose I can't get away with it this time. So here goes...
1. I met my husband in high school but didn't date him till college.
2. My first child was a surprise, but a happy one! (and we were 3 years into marriage)
3. I have more children's games than adult games in my house, by a large margin.
4. I was getting my Masters in Journalism when the Air Force decided to move us and I found out I was pregnant. (but I'm not bitter)
5. I absolutely, positively HATE wrinkled paper.
6. I must read before going to bed - even if it is just one page!
7. I cannot eat even slightly runny scrambled eggs. Dry, dry, dry or nothing. Mostly nothing.
8. My daughter looks exactly like me at that age.
9. The doctor didn't show up for the birth of my daughter - and she was induced!
10. I love the combination of bananas, peanut butter and chocolate. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Passing it on to:
Spunk on a Stick (Diane intrigues me!)
The Romantic Query Letter (I want to read Simone write the response)
Constant Revision (Let's face it, who doesn't want to know more about Simon? Plus, your blog needs a little color.)
Victoria S. (Yeah, she has it already, but she has been supportive and it's a great blog.)
The Cajun Book Lady (Sexy title brings to mind voodoo and mystery. Lots of great stuff on this blog, but alas, no voodoo.)
It's A Mystery (This Canadian lady knows how to keep a clean, organized blog. When Elspeth misses a day or two, I truly miss her writing.)
I gave this to a lot of people last time so I'm going to stop at six now. Think of these as the cream of the crop. Enjoy and thank you all for bringing us such wonderful reads!
I must also thank Margot Kinberg of Confessions of a Mystery Novelist for this touching award: the Inspiring Blogger Award. Margot writes that those to whom she gave this beautiful award "inspire me, teach me, and push me to be a better blogger and writer and a more well-read mystery fan." I am humbled, Margot. And I thank you.
The last award for which I must thank a friend is The Quest by CC at CC Chronicles. She created the award and fashioned it from a woodcut she made herself! Check out the talented Creative Chronicler and look for The Quest award floating around...It is the sign of new bloggers beginning their journey. Thank you.
I do hope this blog has been an example of the community we have built. It is not a show of how great I am, but rather how great we are together. Yesterday I was a writer hitting bottom. You all picked me up in your ink-stained hands. Today I pass on this love and kindness you have shared with me.
Thank you.
My goodness, Michele, thank you for such kind words! It's nice to know I've been missed. I don't know about my blog being clean and organised, but thank you for saying so. I'm back to blogging regularly on Monday and I'm also determined to finish my novel before the end of February.
ReplyDeleteThanks again from this Canadian lady!
Congratulations on your awards!
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to find out more about you. :) I'm guessing the delivery doctor isn't your physician anymore? I had an absent doctor, too, but I wasn't induced!
Mystery Writing is Murder
Look at all those awards!
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you - I am happy to intrigue!
Congrats - great awards!!
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear you've rebounded from a yucky day!
Elspeth- February is a not too far away! Looking forward to learning about you with Honest Scrap.
ReplyDeleteElizabeth- You are right! NOT my doctor!
Diane- You're welcome. Gotta be honest now!
Thanks, Jemi. Couldn't have done it without this writing community.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on all the awards Michele. And thank you for sharing the 10 items with us (without Google). I love the last one. As always you've provided additional links to check out and new friends to find. Thanks again. Glad you're on top of your game again.
ReplyDeleteWhy, thank you, good lady! Yes, my blog could use a bit more color. I shall have to remedy that.
ReplyDeleteBut now I have to think of a bunch more things to share about myself. Doh! (I mean, non-embarrassing things, 'cause I've already shared enough of my goofball screwups.)
Thank you, thank you, thank you for the award. And congratulations to you! You deserve them all.
Mason- I'm sorry it took me so long. Thank you for understanding and for the award!
ReplyDeleteSimon- Enjoyed your writing piece today. And go all the way. We don't mind you embarassing yourself.
Congrats on all those awards, Chels, your hubby will need to build you a shelf for all of your blogging Oscars, Globes, Emmys :)))
ReplyDeleteOh Dez. Save it. I remember awarding you one as well! What time is it in Serbia, btw?
Felicitations my dear and my every thanks for including me. I'll be sure to blog about it in a week or so.
ReplyDeleteWarm regards,
yes, and I keep the award you gave me at the red carpet ceremony (looking dashing in that Ellie Saab gown you were wearing :)))) over in the special shelf in my HOLLYWOOD SPY headquarters ;)
ReplyDeleteWe are about six hours ahead of New York.
Thank you!
ReplyDeleteSimone- No rush. And you are welcome.
ReplyDeleteDez- Ellie Saab! Great choice! Someday we'll actually have to do that. ;)
V.S.- You are welcome. Great piece today, BTW. Let me know next time you hear about a writing challenge. I seem to miss those!
people say Saab and me have a very similar style in design :)
ReplyDeleteCheck out yourself, here's my designing photo album over at MySpace:
Dez- I didn't even know you were a designer! Fantastic! Which one is me? Where do I see more?
ReplyDeleteyep, among million other things :)
ReplyDeleteYou choose the one for you, I don't know what's your style, but I reckon you'd probably choose one of the little-sparkly-dress models and not the long, floating gowns.
Michele- Thanks for the award! It's cool to get to know you a little better. I hate runny eggs too! Blach.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome, A.J. Glad to know we have that in common. It makes you smarter. :)