It is a warm room in a cold way. The walls are a soft blue-green. The furniture is a mish-mash of hand-me-downs from my great-great aunt, who died about the time I married my husband. The chandelier is a little traditional for my taste, with amber shades and dangling beads, but it'll do for resale. And the chairs have plump cushions covered in near-mustard velveteen. An odd room, to be sure. But warm.
I've added my contemporary touches: straight, no-nonsense curtain rods from West Elm and simple, off-white silk curtain panels. My wedding pictures are black and white and modern all over. And the decorative centerpiece bowl is straight out of a Crate&Barrel catalog.
So I thought this would be a perfect spread out and imagine room. It is large and clean. It is full of the past, but only the good past. It is decorated but not distractingly so. The table is large. The walls are expansive and blank.

But I will enter.
It's great to have a special place just for writing. A place you go to that is all your own to create in. However, sometimes thoughts come to you in the most unusual places and you have to be ready to capture them. I jotted down notes while stopped at a red light, grabbing a bite of lunch, even waiting for a prescription to be filled. I love you idea of taking a digital recorder with you. That would be an extra bonus.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Mason. I think I'll step into that room now and see what happens...
ReplyDeleteI love having my room to write in. It is wonderful
ReplyDeleteI have the most delightful little office that is far superior to any office I had at any of my previous jobs. A pleasant atmosphere with all the comforts of home, probably because it IS at home! I've created an area that I love to be in and work in.
ReplyDeleteJust as they say your bedroom should be calming and a place for sleep, my office is inducive of work and comfort. I just took a glance around - yeah. I like it.
I'm still searching for my perfect place. I do most of my writing at my desk, but its located in the living room and there are way too many distractions there. I'd like to turn one of our kids rooms (who have moved onto college) into a writing room, but that won't happen until I get an agent...and my wife cuts the chord.
ReplyDeleteIt may be awhile.
this story would've been much more amusing if you gave us some pictures of the room itself :))
ReplyDeleteI work in my office in my house. The office is very modern, black and white, with blue petroleum details (the cushions on the sofa and armchair, the sumptuous damask drapes ...) and there's a TV, because sometimes while I'm working I like to play some of the music channels in the background ;)
The most important thing - my working room has to have a looooooooots of natural light.
I write on the go a lot. If it's too quiet I can get distracted! I went to the coffee shop for my 2 hours today.
Mystery Writing is Murder
Mystery Lovers’ Kitchen
My office is a multi-purpose room. My JTPTB (Job That Pays The Bills) is located there (I tele-commute) as is my personal desktop PC and my crafting studio. After eight hours of customer service emanating from that room, I sometimes find it hard to craft there and it definitely is not condusive to writing.
ReplyDeleteSo, I am rearranging my dining room. Low bookcases line two walls. My newly acquired vintage typewriter takes pride of place on top of one bookcase. The current round glass table (soon to be replaced with a square wooden one) holds my laptop. I can see the TV if I want to and I don't have to see the same four walls I work in all day long LOL.
I love hearing how and where other authors ply their craft and really appreciate this post.
Now, any suggestions on how to budget my time between doing research, reading blogs and actually putting words to paper, let alone finding time for pleasure reading?
I usually write in my office. Its somewhat more inspirational than the rest of the world and occasionally provides spectacular views. It's also a time that I am pretty much forced to be sitting down with very little else to do.