1. A blog new-to-me in the last couple of weeks, and chock full of interesting articles. The link I will give you takes you to a listing of different types of writing. Some I appreciated the author remembering, others I hadn't even thought of and was glad to be reminded. Click here for Voidwalker's Paths of the Craft. But don't stop there! Stay to click around.
2. L. Diane Wolfe listed this one yesterday but I thought it was worth passing on: 100 Best Blogs for Improving Your Writing.
3. A.F. Heart writes of some modern technology that has also taken up space here on SouthernCityMysteries. But Heart adds more authority with her actual ownership of the Nook. Read an honest review with great questions and responses at Mysteries and My Musings.
4. King of detective nuance Lee Lofland threw up another helpful article this week titled Pistol Cleaning and Safeties. If it sounds straight forward and technical, it is broken up by Lee's humor and great, easy-to-follow pictures. I've said it before: this man's knowledge is essential for those writing about police.
5. New-to-me blog from a fellow Tennessee girl (yes, I live in Raleigh but I grew up in Nashville, TN and that is where my book will take place). Turns out, many of you discovered her first so I am a little behind the curve on this one. But just in case, check out the Girl With One Eye at A Squirrel Amongst Lions.
5 1/2. I nearly forgot (oops) because I read it so late in the week, but Elizabeth Spann Craig wrote two posts last week that go very well together. One is a retrospective on JD Salinger (who died last Wednesday), and compared the one-book author to the publishing equivalent of a blogger (publish every day whether we have something to say or not!), James Patterson. Read both the Master Blogger's posts and see what you think.
Now we go back another week to posts I bookmarked before I took a break and was saved by fantastic guest bloggers...
6. Fantastic article on changing the works of the past to the sensibilities of today. Highly recommend checking it out: Satiable Curtiosity at The Outfit.
7. An interesting review and a curious read from the African Continent (perfect for anyone doing the Global Reading Challenge!). I enjoyed the way the review was written (honestly) and I was intrigued to read the book because the reviewer did not give too much away or heap praise unnecessarily. I love a good reviewer. Check him out at International Noir Fiction, and the review at Wake up Dead, by Roger Smith.
8. I know we are not some island of writers in the middle of a commune, but when one of "us" gets something it makes me feel it is possible. Someone we know (you know what I mean) got there! So here is an example of that.
9. This blog is a bit different from the other ones I visit, but I love it for its reserved, literary arrogance. I don't mean that negatively. The author, Rob Velella, did the Poe Calendar last year and I loved that. This year he runs the The American Literary Blog, with fascinating bits of literary history given out every day. This article is full of interesting bits: a murder called "the Kentucky Tragedy," a one-legged poet and a book now called "the graveyard for poets." What more do mystery writers need? Go to the link here. And for more on the Kentucky Tragedy, click here.
10. One more to make it ten! A new-to-me blog: Mandy the Bookworm. Why do I keep adding blogs when I can't even keep up with the ones I already have listed? I don't know. Part of the Internet addiction, I suppose. But check out Mandy. I love a good bookworm.
BTW, I have taken on a new challenge. It seemed a most interesting one that actually challenged me to explore literature around the world. I think I can make the two challenges (Thriller&Suspense being the other) fit together. and the 2010 Global Challenge is so uniquely formed. I recommend it.
Great links! I'm going to be busy reading this morning. :)
Mystery Writing is Murder
Love all the Linkys!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the mention, too.
I nearly forgot (how could I ever?) the links of Elizabeth's author posts this week...Read it again guys!
ReplyDeleteWow - great links! There are a lot of new ones for me - thanks :)
ReplyDeleteLooks like a lot of great new links to check out. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteAwesome links thank you!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the links!