Fear in Writing: I wish I had...

Today in Literary History

Today in Literary History...December 14, 1907: Rudyard Kipling receives the Nobel prize for literature, the first English-language writer to do so.ud

Sunday, June 5, 2011

I wish I had...

I wish I had someone to open the house each morning.

Do you know what I mean?  Open the blinds, pull back the curtains, make the coffee, a little light dusting...All the things parlormaids in previous centuries were known paid to do.

I wish I had someone like that.

Maybe I'll write historical mysteries so I can pretend.  That's what's grand about writing fiction, isn't it?  The things we get to imagine.  The romances.  The cities.  The wealth or the poverty.  The heroism.  The terror.  The life.


  1. Michele - Oh, absolutely! I love being able to create situations and places and people and imagine what would happen. It's certainly more fun than washing the dishes is ;-).

  2. Can that person mow the lawn as well?

  3. I wish I had someone to open my house and clean it, too! Ha!

  4. Wow... Talk about a "light bulb" moment. I never looked at writing fiction that way... but it could be the best form of pretending. Hmmmmm.
